Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Finally got to see one six right.

I wasn't sure what all the fuss was about with this documentary until I watched it for myself.

All I've heard about on the forums that I read is how good this movie is and how its a must see but I couldn't understand why I would want to watch a show about Van Nuys airport.

After seeing it for myself I fell in love with this movie. It has some wonderful history about the area and how it got started as well as some great airplanes for those who love the eye candy.

I've never been to Van Nuys Airport but I think that it will be a stop on my list of places to see after I finish my PP ASEL this year.

If you haven't seen it I suggest that you get your copy today.

One Six Right

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Saturday, February 24, 2007

These pilots have really earned their pay today!

Watch as airliners face some of the worst winds that I've ever seen. I hope that the planes that I've flown on haven't ever needed to be handled like this. Be glad you can't see outside very well on might never fly again if this happened to you.

See the video! digg story

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Destinations have been added.

I've started to add some destinations to a dedicated page on my other site for your flying enjoyment.

Currently I have KBFI - Boeing Field / Museum of Flight and Roche Harbor Resort listed, please check out these wonderful destinations and please let me know if you have any further information on these or other places of interest.

Also, if any of the info needs to be corrected, let me know so I can keep it as up to date as possible.

Click to view my flight destinations page.

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Monday, February 19, 2007

6 flights scheduled, 6 cancelled due to weather

Its just one of those days for me today, I've made 6 attempts to get in to the air and every time I schedule a lesson the weather goes to hell.

I've been so busy lately and every work day has been a wonderful day to fly, I had today off and thewind was gusting from 14 to 22knts.

Not good for a cessna 152.

I guess I'll try again next week, wish me luck!

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Sunday, February 18, 2007

Share some info on your favorite place to fly to.

I'm trying to put together a list of places in and around Washington state to fly to for the day.

Please help me out by telling us all about your favorite places to visit on a lazy Sunday or a long weekend.

If you include an airport identifier or a photo I will include it on my main site with credit and a link going to you.

I'm looking for airport information, restaurants, vacation spots and any other place that general aviation pilots might go when they have the chance.

You can offer up info on any place that you like, it doesn't just need to be local to me.

Help us all out by sharing ideas about where to go!

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Sunday, February 04, 2007

Earn money while surfing the net.

I know this isn't aviation related but I found this site that is building members to use their new web browser search bar.

By using this search bar you are providing information about popular web pages, items and searches. It sounds like spy ware to me but as the company points out, you can remove it at any time and it pays you for your Internet browsing.

Not only do you get paid for your own use but by signing up people to use this system you can earn money for their usage as well.

Check it out and see for yourself, I hope it could help pay for some Avgas!