Monday, January 29, 2007

I'm in a link building contest to pay for flying time!

I know that this isn't exactly the way that I should be trying to build links to my blog or web site but its a bet that I just can't pass up.

A friend of mine bet me that I couldn't build 50 incomming links to this blog or my web site by the end of February 2007.

If I get 50 incomming links then he will pay for 1 hour of plane rental and instructor fees, if I get 100 then its 2 hours and so on and so on.

I know that this is blatant and unprofessional but I am a starving soldier trying to pay for this dream so I've packed away my pride and turned to begging.

All I need is for people to link to this blog until after 1 March 07 to win this bet.

Please help!

Click the image below to add a link to your site here, if you add me to your site it will stay but if you don't then I will delete your link.
Just trying to be fair.

Blogroll Me!

Here is my URL:

Sunday, January 28, 2007

The FAA funding debate - What are user fees?

"There is no bigger issue facing general aviation today.Our future is hostage to the FAA funding decision. If we choose user fees or radical new taxes, America's unique personal aircraft transportation system will die."
AOPA President Phil Boyer

I guess the above comment just about says it all. Please read the full text with the FAQ sheet to fully understand what is at risk and what both sides are talking about.

There are many myths about General Aviation out there and to be quite honest, the general public doesn't know what is at stake and I doubt that most really care.

Visit the information page!

Monday, January 08, 2007

One more day without flying!

Here I sit at the end of the duty day watching the planes fly overhead wishing that I was up in the air with them.
My day ended too late to take advantage of the weather that was still cold and damp but much better than it has been or will be for the near future.
Starting next week I will be in a 14 day class put on by former members of the "Old Guard" that will kill my chances of flying for the rest of this month so I am a little bummed.
I guess that while I'm in school I'll just have to reread Chuck Yeager Booksand try to fit in the time to watch The Right Stuff one more time.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

New pilot ID to be required if proposed rule passes.

The FAA is proposing a change to its airman certificate from the paper copy that is used today to a plastic ID card to improve security.

Your comments are invited on this matter and will be accepted by the FAA until 06 March 2007 at the address listed in the brief.

The time line for this change is roughly two years after this rule is in place all pilots must replace their ID with the newer version and five years from the rule change other certificates like flight engineers and mechanics certificates must be upgraded to the new standard.

The full document can be read here.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

We now offer aviation related items for sale!

Check out our list of mostly aviation related items. We have study guides, books about flying, study videos and a range of electronics listed.

All proceeds go to flying lessons and rental fees so please support this student pilot!

Here is a sample of the items that we have selected.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

A new forums section has been created.

Now you can interact with other readers of this site by using our forums.
If there are any subjects that you'd like to see added then please feel free to contact me so I can have them added for you.

Definitions of the different pilot ratings.

Here is a link to descriptions of the various pilot certificate levels and further information about how to become a pilot. I have had many requests for this type of info but couldn't quote the regs quite as well as this page from Wikipedia. If there are any errors on this page, let me know and I will make sure that it is updated.

Monday, January 01, 2007

1st flight cancelled....Again!

Well, I've been trying to get in the air for about 4 weeks now and it seems that every time I schedule a flight it either snows, fog sets in or the winds are at about 20 knots .

At least I've gotten some more ground school taken care of but at this rate I'll spend all of my limited funds on classes and still not get in to the air.

My instructor is great though I must say, he spent 20 years as an attack chopper pilot and is now working as an instructor with the DOD flying club that I belong to.

I hope to have some good tales to tell and some photos to post soon. Wish me luck!