Sunday, March 11, 2007

Why do I fly?

To be honest with you, I want to learn to fly because I love it!

Can I afford it? I'm just an Army Corporal (E-4) so the answer is a big fat NO!

I have a wife that is injured and an 11 year old son to look after so I really shouldn't be doing this.

After 20 years of not looking at the planes flying over head, one day I looked up and just had to do it.

Am I being selfish....maybe. Could it turn in to a better job?....Maybe

I just can't explain why I feel compelled to do this, maybe I need to prove something to myself or maybe I just need the challenge...I just don't know.

What I do know is that I haven't wanted something this bad for a long time and after returning from Iraq I figured that if I keep putting it off, well...there may never be a tomorrow.

At the very least I hope that this new skill will allow me to take the family to new places so we can share new things together and build memories.

I already have a motorcycle, scuba dive and get paid to blow things up with an M1A1 main battle tank so I guess this is just one more thing in a long line of crazy interests that I have.

I feel guilty after I spend the money on a lesson but I feel so good after I've flown.

It doesn't matter if I'm the one flying or if I just ride along with a friend, I feel relaxed and ready to take on the next challenge that faces me.

Why do I fly?

Because I must!

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