Saturday, December 29, 2007

A different way to fund your training

Finance your flight training, aircraft upgrades or your down payment for your dearm plane at Prosper, people-to-people lending

I have found an alternate way of funding my flight training and possibly the purchase of an airplane through a web site called Prosper. This site offers peer to peer financing for everything from paying your credit card debt to building a business from scratch.

By clicking the image at the top of the screen you will be taken to my group page that is set up to attract members with both military and aviation backgrounds.

The idea of this site is that lenders bid on loan requests and compete for the interest rate that the borrower will pay. Loans can be from $1,000 to $25,000 and are for a 3 year term.

Check it out and finance your way to being a private pilot, airplane owner or just pay down some debt.

More info

Friday, December 28, 2007

Make the dream of owning a plane real

Let us help you find your next airplane and 3 other partners to share the fun with.

Cessna Skycatcher LSA Intro Video

So, how many of you are looking to buy this LSA? I know its from Cessna but is it really worth the price tag, its close in price to a nice 172 but can only carry half of the load.

I don't understand exactly how this will bring aviation to the common man like they say in the video. I guess the common man that they speak of drives a new Mustang and has a hot blond at his side.

Me, I'm just an Army Sergeant....I guess that means I'm too lowly for a nice new plane with a brand name on it.

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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

C152 Clear Prop Safety Gear Video

New safety equipment for 2008!

Now just stylish....soon to be required! ;)

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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Forward Slip and Engine Out Video

Just thought I'd share this with you all. No, its not me but this is what it should look like.

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